Older Youth and Adults Can Help Children Through COVID-19
It is very important to remember that children look to older youth and adults for guidance on how to react to stressful events. Children need factual, age appropriate information about the seriousness and risk of our present pandemic.
They are relying on us to provide them with concrete instructions through our words and example on how to avoid infection and reduce the spread of COVID-19. Teaching children positive preventive measures such as wearing mask, social distancing, and frequently washing their hands or taking the time to talk to them about their fears while giving them a sense of some kind of control over their own health and well-being can help reduce the anxiety they may be feeling.
Remind them that the older youth and adults in their homes, community, churches and schools are there to help keep them safe and healthy.
They are trusting us! Can you see the vulnerability and innocence in their eyes? Let's all do our part in bringing an end to this pandemic. Wear a mask, practice social distancing and remember to wash your hands frequently. Let's not let them down! They are counting on us!