Be Aware! Be Alert! Learn More!
1. Are There Really Exploited Youth in Ontario County? Yes. Commercial sexual exploitation of children (CSEC) occurs when any child under the age of 18 obtains shelter, food or drugs in exchange for sexual acts. CSEC is a criminal activity with recorded cases nationwide - even right here in Ontario County towns and villages.
2. What Does Exploitation Look Like? CSEC occurs through various methods including:
* Images of child sexual abuse
* Interfamilial pimping
* Trafficking
* Online commercial sexual exploitation
* Exotic dancing/stripping
* Trading sex for drugs
* Street peddling
* Pornography
3. Are There Common Clues to Identify Exploited Children?
Some of the warning signs that might include exploitation include:
* Visible signs of abuse such as unexplained bruises, cuts or marks
* Behaviors including fear, anxiety, depression, tension, and/or nervousness
* Tattoos ("Branding") indicating ownership
* Signs of substance abuse
* Sudden change of behavior
* Frequent running away, skipping school
* Family dysfunction (family violence, history of child abuse/neglect, alcohol.drug abuse)
4. Who Are Survivors of CSEC?
Traffickers prey on vulnerabilities of all youth. Any young person can be forced, frauded, and coerced into exploitation. Victims can be boys, girls, and transgender people of all races and socio-economic backgrounds.
5. Why Don't Victims Ask for Help?
Due to the fear, coercion, threats, and shame, youth who may have experienced exploitation, will generally NOT:
* Identify as a "victim" or "survivor"
* Identify as a victim of sexual assault or trafficking
* Disclose abuse during the initial contact(s)
6. What Can I Do?
Ontario County Office of Children and Family Services is networked with numerouse agencies that can provide information and assistance 24/7. If you know someone you believe may be a victim of exploitation, please reach out to the resources below.
Ontario County Hotline 1-800-247-7273
National Human Trafficking Resource Hotline 1-888-373-7888 or Text "Help" to BeFree (233733)
National Center for Missing and Exploited Children 1-800-843-5678
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