Regional Transit Service (RTS)
(585) 394‐2250 or 1 (800) 667‐2287
Fixed Route Service ‐ offers fixed route services throughout Ontario County. Keep in mind the bus stops shown on RTS Ontario routes are only the major stops. There are additional stops along the route.
Dial‐A‐Ride Service‐ within Ontario County.
To schedule, call at least 24 hours in advance, Monday‐ Friday, 9:00 am ‐ 3:00 pm. You may call up to a week in advance to reserve a ride. Call 24 hours in advance
ADA Paratransit Route Deviation
Pick up from any location within ¾ of a mile from the fixed route service; this is called “route deviation”. Fares are twice the fixed route fare; discounts do not apply. You may call up to a week in advance to reserve a ride. Call 24 hours in advance
Farmington Taxi
Serves Ontario County and as far as Buffalo or Syracuse. Senior discount for 60+ upon request.
(585) 230‐7307
Pat’s Taxi
Mon‐Fri 7 am – 8 pm/ Sat‐Sun 7 am – 5 pm. Anywhere except NYC and Canada
(585) 394‐1620
The Other Taxi
Sun‐Thurs 4:30 am – 11 pm/ Fri‐Sat 24 hours. Canandaigua, Newark, Seneca Falls, Penn Yan, Geneva
Greyhound Bus Lines
1 (800) 231‐2222
Monroe Ambulance
24 hours/7 days a week – medical, wheelchair, and non‐emergency transports
(585) 454‐6211
Medicaid Transportation
Medicaid recipients ‐ rides to medical appointments.
1 (855) 733‐9402
Genesee Transport
7 days a week‐ accommodates wheelchairs
(585) 256‐1510