Finger Lakes Community College
(Satellite Campus: Geneva, Victor)
3325 Marvin Sands Drive Canandaigua, NY 14424
(585) 394‐3500
Bloomfield Central School
45 Maple Ave. Bloomfield, NY 14469
(585) 657‐6121 ext. 2005/2004
Calvary Chapel Academy
1777 State Route 332 Farmington, NY 14425
(585) 398‐2218
Canandaigua City Schools
143 North Pearl Street Canandaigua, NY 14424
(585) 396‐3700
English as a Second Language (ESL)
FLCC's free non-credit ESL courses offer non-English speakers the opportunity to improve their English language skills.
FLCC Canandaigua Campus
ABE Program Office
(585) 785-1431 or (585) 785-1544
FLCC Geneva Campus
Literacy Office
(315) 789-6701 ext. 6023 (if no reply - call the Canandaigua Campus Office)
Geneva City Schools
400 West North Street Geneva, NY 14456
(315) 781‐0400
Hobart and William Smith Colleges
399 Pultney Street Geneva, NY 14456
(315) 781‐3000
Honeoye Central School
8528 Main Street Honeoye, NY 14471
(585) 229‐5171
Keuka College
(Holds classes at FLCC Victor Campus)
141 Central Avenue, Keuka Park, N.Y. 14478
(315) 279-5000 College Operator
Literacy Volunteers of Ontario, Yates, Inc.
208 South Main Street Canandaigua, NY 14424
1 (888) 546‐5862 or (585) 396‐1686
Marcus Whitman
4100 Baldwin Road, Rushville, NY 14544
(585) 554‐4848
Midlakes Central School
1490 Route 488, Clifton Springs, NY 14432
(315) 548‐6420
Naples Central School
136 North Main Street, Naples, NY 14512
(585) 374‐7900
Naples Library
The library offers HSE courses formerly known as GED).
Classes are held on Thursday evenings 6:00-9:00 pm.
118 S. Main Street, Naples, NY 14512
(585) 374-2757
Red Jacket Central School
1506 State Route 21, Shortsville, NY 14548
(585) 289‐3964
St. Francis/St. Stevens School
17 Elmwood Avenue, Geneva, NY 14456
(315) 789‐1828
St. Mary’s School
16 Gibson Street, Canandaigua, NY 14424
(585) 394‐4300
TASC (Formerly GED©) Prep
FLCC's HSE program provides you the instruction you'll need to earn your HSE diploma. It offers non-credit HSE classes, including an HSE course in Spanish, both at no cost. HSE courses prepare you to take the Test Assessing Secondary Completion (TASC, formerly known as the GED), and lead you to earning your HSE diploma from the New York State Education Department. All students must first attend registration/orientation. Students are accepted all year.
Class Locations:
Canandaigua FLCC Main Campus
3325 Marvin Sands Drive Rm. 3227
Geneva FLCC Geneva Center
63 Pulteney Street Rm. 109
Adult Basic Education Program Office
FLCC Canandaigua Campus
3325 Marvin Sands Drive, Canandaigua, NY 14424
(585) 785-1544 or (585) 785–1431
Victor Central School
953 High Street, Victor, NY 14564
(585) 924‐3252
Wayne Finger Lakes BOCES
Wayne-Finger Lakes BOCES provides programs and services in collaboration with 25 school districts throughout Wayne, Ontario, Seneca and Yates counties. BOCES makes success possible by providing educational services and instructional opportunities for learners of all ages. As an organization, we are committed to working in partnership with local stakeholders to improve the efficiencies and effectiveness of school operations, providing greater opportunities throughout the region.
131 Drumlin Ct, Newark, NY 14513
(315) 332-7400